NK Mehta

I had the opportunity to listen to Author Venkat on a couple of occasions and was really impressed at his public speaking skills! He mixes humor with business talks which leaves a lasting impression on listeners!

Vivek  Kumar Gupta

I’ve known Venkat for more than a decade now and I’m really awed with his ability to powerfully express his thoughts and ideas. He is an ardent speaker and when you listen to him, his passion really rubs onto you; if you’re up for it, his Public speaking session can be a turning point for you.

Kshitij Gondalekar

Venkat has an uncanny ability to inspire, instill waves of confidence and excitement with his words. He embodies the spirit of a leader and someone who handholds his tribe in their professional journey. Venkat is a fine humorist. His concept of “Father Figure” in leadership positions is revolutionary and it will definitely be life-altering for all those who associate with and learn from Venkat

Vasanthan Philip

Impactful motivational speaker, humorist, author, stage performer, facilitator, Author of ‘Father of your Team’ and the list goes on to describe Dr. Venkat. I know him as a very simple, down-to-earth, and humble person whose mission is to Serve and Lead. He is a great Thought Leader and a presenter. You can never afford to miss Dr.Venkat’s sessions.

Prashanti Kodumooru

“Mr. Venkat Kumaresan is an excellent public speaker who speaks from the heart, with passion, and with a purpose. If you want to be not just a public speaker but “a speaker who speaks from the heart, with passion, and with a purpose”, you should join his course!

Priya Sivadass

Author Venkat Kumaresan is a rare combination of clarity,sense of humor and passion. The way he speaks and his energy level is magical. He is sure to motivate more people to speak their heart out at the right time, space and setting.

Dr. Priya Srinivasa

I liked and appreciated the examples of different organizations quoted during the session.Eagerly looking forward to attend more webinars. Excellent sir!

Chandni Afsana

Session was excellent. Really informative and also joyful.